Conduct & Protocol at the CRC
The Community Recreation Center is a space for all to enjoy. The CRC is a family-friendly space, and we welcome visitors of all ages. To ensure a pleasant and safe recreational environment, please adhere to the following facility guidelines:
- All visitors must show a park district digital membership card or photo I.D. and scan for entrance.
- Children under the age of 12 may not be left unsupervised
in the facility. - Please secure your personal belongings; PDOP is not responsible for any loss of items.
- Please be polite and respect all participants, staff, equipment, and facility.
- This is a drug and alcohol-free space. The use or possession of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited.
- Actions that demean individuals are prohibited: foul language, obscene gestures, taunting, bullying, or hazing.
- Physical behaviors not tolerated include: pushing, shoving, aggressive play, fighting, etc.
Facility users who do not adhere to the facility guidelines will be removed from the facility immediately. Repeated improper conduct will result in a loss of facility privileges.