Project Updates

Project Updates

March 19, 2022 – Ground-breaking ceremony for new, Oak Park Community Recreation Center

Digging in the dirt will begin a milestone celebration for the Park District of Oak Park (PDOP) and the nonprofit Parks Foundation of Oak Park as officials, donors and volunteers gathered at 1 p.m. on March 19 to break ground for the new Community Recreation Center (CRC), 229 Madison St. Read the full press release here!

November 18, 2021- Park Board of Commissioners awarded construction contracts to build Community Recreation Center (CRC) and exceeded goal with 29.39% of MWBE awards

On Nov. 18 the Park Board of Commissioners awarded the construction contracts for the CRC; bids opened on Nov. 5. The Board was thrilled to receive bids within the established budget, given concerns over rising steel costs and supply chain issues. The Board awarded 29.39% of the construction contracts to Minority/Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE), which exceeded the District’s 25% goal. Read the full press release here!

September 18, 2021 – Community Recreation Center Capital Campaign exceeds 75% of goal, announcement during “A Place to Belong” kickoff event

Announcing a significant milestone in its campaign to help build a new Community Recreation Center (CRC), the Parks Foundation of Oak Park kicked off a public campaign on Saturday, Sept. 18, during “A Place to Belong” celebration. The outdoor public event took place at the planned site of the new Center, 229 Madison St. Read the full press release here!


Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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