CRC – Net Zero

Net Zero

Why a Net Zero Building?

This Net Zero building is a testament to the Park District’s commitment to sustainability. This building allows us to:

    • Make the most of our natural resources
    • Minimize our carbon footprint
    • Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels
    • Create a model to inspire others

Park District of Oak Park received a grant of $1.8 million from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation to help make this a Net Zero facility.

Outdoor Green Features

    • Permeable pavers that prevent water accumulation by catching precipitation and surface runoff allowing it to infiltrate the soil below
    • Bioswale landscape element that prevents the flow of pollutants into freshwater ecosystems by collecting rainwater and surface runoff water allowing it to feed the deep-rooted plants
    • Benches inside the building built using reclaimed wood from trees in our parks

How do you make a Net Zero building?

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