Camp FAQs

While most camps are divided by grade range, registration is done by both grade and age. Please check the specific camp information to ensure your child falls within the correct ranges. Participants should sign up for camps matching the grade they will be entering in fall 2023.

There is a payment plan offered for all park district summer camps. To be eligible for the payment plan, registration must be received no later than March 31st, 2023. There is a minimum deposit of $25 for each camp section registration. A credit card is required at the time of registration as that card will be used automatically with balance split between May 1st and June 1st.

Yes, register for camps by April 30th and save $5 on half-day or extended day camps and $10 on full day camps. Prices go up on May 1. Some exclusions apply for contractual programs.

If you chose the payment plan, all camp sessions will automatically be applied on May 1st using the same credit card from your original purchase.. If payment does not go through, you will be notified. Failure to complete payment on your Summer camp balance may result in cancelations.

A $25 cancelation fee will apply to all refunds for each session of park district camps if camp fees are $150 or more; $10 cancelation fee for camps under $150. Cancellation requests must be made to program supervisors or customer service a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of camp to receive a refund. Refund requests within two weeks will only be considered if the vacated spot can be filled with another participant.

All campers are required to have a Participant Emergency Form by the Thursday prior to the start of camp. The form will also be emailed out to participants. Staff will not allow participants to be dropped off without having this form on file.

Please note any pertinent medical information on your registration and in the Participant Emergency Form. While staff cannot guarantee an allergy-free campsite we will work with families to make the environment as safe as possible for the camper.

If possible, all medication should be taken at home prior to or after camp. If your child needs to take a medication while at camp, the Medical Dispense Form must be filled out (available online at No medication (including inhalers or sting kits) will be dispensed without this form. Medications will be collected on the first day of camp. Medications should be brought to the program in the original packaging and state the dosage, doctor, phone and times per day the medication should be taken. Only campers can take or apply their medications; staff will not administer any medication.

Due to the different age groups and facilities in use each location will have slightly different check-in procedures. Please check your parent handbook for specific information. Campers will not be allowed to check-in prior to the start time of the camp. Parents must sign in their child every day.

Campers must be signed out of camp each day by a parent/guardian or other person listed on the camper’s emergency form. Only those listed on the emergency form as authorized to sign-out the child will be allowed to do so. Everyone is required to show a picture ID to staff during the sign-out. Campers will not be allowed to leave with any adult not listed on the emergency form.

Pick up time is the responsibility of the parents/guardians. A $10.00 fee may be assessed for each 15 minutes past the final pick-up time (some camps have flexible pick-up times).

Campers that are 12 years or older may be granted permission by their parent or guardian to sign themselves in and out. For children that are 10 or 11 years old, we highly recommend that they are signed out by a parent or guardian. We do not provide crossing guards and children will not be leaving in large numbers to walk home. If a parent feels their 10 or 11 year old can sign themselves out, written notification must be provided in advance (they will have the oprion to do this on their child’s emergency form). Children under 10 years of age must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian.

Parents should call or email the Site Supervisor of the child’s absence daily. If we do not hear from you (via phone or written notification) and the Supervisor reports your camper absent, staff will make every attempt to contact you by phone. Please help staff avoid unnecessary phone calls by reporting your camper’s absence.

Campers should come dressed in comfortable clothes and shoes that can get dirty. Gym shoes are highly recommended. Campers should bring a reusable water bottle, a mask, a healthy lunch and snack, and sunscreen. Please check your specific camp information for additional items that may be needed for each camp.

Please leave all toys, games, weapons, money, electronic equipment (including cell phones) and any other valuables at home. These only serve as distractions that can lead to behavior problems or disappointment if the item is lost, stolen or damaged.

Site Supervisors check the weather each day in preparation to make changes to activities as needed. During severe weather (thunder, lightning, tornados) campers are taken to an indoor location immediately. If the National Weather Service determines a heat emergency exists, camp activities will be modified to be more passive and less strenuous. More frequent water breaks will be provided. If possible, campers will be moved to an air-conditioned facility.

The Field Center Community Meeting tonight, January 21 @7:00P, has been moved online. Click the button to get the Zoom link.

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