Immerse yourself in nature and learn to capture yourobservations through journaling. Explore drawing, writing, and mindfulness while you expand your skills as a naturalist and an observer of the outdoors. Even if you "can't draw", nature journaling is a great way to get in touch with the natural world and can be done in whatever style or technique works best for you!
All materials provided, including a journal at your first session. Children under the age of four do not need to register.
Come along with your toddler and move around to music and gross motor play at the indoor playground.
Come learn all about Fair Oaks Farms, an escape to the country with acres of great fun, fresh food, and learning. It’s a place where you can explore family-owned farms and reconnect with nature, animals, and our planet.
Recognized as the #1 agritourism destination in the Midwest, Fair Oaks Farms is the nation’s leading agriculture attraction located right in the corn belt of Northwest Indiana. It’s a place where you can escape to the countryside to learn, dine and unwind.
Get the opportunity to explore our attractions. Visit the Dairy Adventure, the Pig Adventure, and the Crop Adventure to learn about our animals, farming practices and nutrition.