Immerse yourself in nature and learn to capture yourobservations through journaling. Explore drawing, writing, and mindfulness while you expand your skills as a naturalist and an observer of the outdoors. Even if you "can't draw", nature journaling is a great way to get in touch with the natural world and can be done in whatever style or technique works best for you!
All materials provided, including a journal at your first session. Children under the age of four do not need to register.
Join the Park District of Oak Park on select days when District 97 is out of school. Participants will have fun as they laugh, play, and explore the day away. Different days will explore different content areas. Please dress your child for messy play inside and outside.
Rejuvenate your mind & body with all levels, one-hour yoga class by our expert PDOP instructor. If you enjoyed Sunday Funday outdoor yoga brunch at Cheney Mansion, you can now enjoy the warm, sophisticated atmosphere of Pleasant Home. There will be a brunch buffet in our Great Hall directly afterwards with flavorful savories and sweets. Two drink tickets are included in your registration. Ages 21+