Drop-In Nature Center Hour
Austin Gardens Environmental Education Center Main Room - 167 Forest Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302This program is free and open to the public - registration is optional but available so you can mark your calendars!
This program is free and open to the public - registration is optional but available so you can mark your calendars!
Hruby Skate is intended for adult hockey players that have played organized hockey before and are intermediate or above skaters. This skate will have zero tolerance for aggressive and physical players. …
Come along with your toddler and move around to music and gross motor play at the indoor playground.
Do you have questions about your smart phone or computer? Come in and get more familiar with your own technology. Learn what your devices can do for you to make …
Bring a photo to share with the group and tell (up to) a three minute story about it. Join us as we learn about other people’s experiences
Come along with your toddler and move around to music and gross motor play at the indoor playground.
Hruby Skate is intended for adult hockey players that have played hockey before and are intermediate or above skaters. This skate will have zero tolerance for aggressive and physical players. It …
This program is free and open to the public - registration is optional but available so you can mark your calendars!
Join us for an afternoon of party bridge. Bridge has been the favorite card game to many notable Oak Park residents including Elizabeth Cheney (of Cheney Mansion). Join your fellow …
All players must pre-register at least 1 hour prior to the session. Gear Requirements 18 & Up: Face covering, helmet, elbow pads, gloves, shin pads, hockey skates Gear Requirements 17 …