Foam Rolling (Tuesday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Medium) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Using tools such as a lacrosse ball and a foam roller, this class focuses on self massage techniques that relieve muscle tension and increase range of motion. Self myofascial release …


BODYPUMP (Wednesday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

 LesMills BODYPUMP(TM) is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight room exercises, like squats, presses, …


Indoor Playground Day Pass (Wednesday)

Stevenson Community Center Lower Level Indoor Playground - 49 West Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Come along with your toddler and move around to music and gross motor play at the indoor playground. 


All Ages Stick & Puck

RCRC Ice Rink - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

All players must pre-register at least 1 hour prior to the session. Gear Requirements 18 & Up: Helmet, elbow pads, gloves, shin pads, hockey skates Gear Requirements 17 & Under: Full gear …



15 Passenger Bus #1 #230 - 218 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

What is more American than apple pie? A small-townwaitress with a dream and the ingredients for success! Sugar, butter, flour. These aren’t the only ingredients Jenna, a waitress and expert …

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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