EXPRESS Cycle (Tuesday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Medium) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

There's something for everyone in these classes: Intervals, rolling hills, sprints, climbs, runs, surges and jumps all to music hand-picked to motivate and inspire! This is a great workout if …


Foam Rolling (Tuesday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Medium) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Using tools such as a lacrosse ball and a foam roller, this class focuses on self massage techniques that relieve muscle tension and increase range of motion. Self myofascial release …


*OUTDOOR* Beginning and Continuing Yoga (Wednesday)

Taylor Park - East Lawn/Wetland - 400 Division Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This class is a multi-level experience for both those new to yoga and those working to grow their practice. This class will help students understand the benefits of yoga: strength, balance, body awareness, alignment and more. We will work toward improving range of motion, coordination, concentration and mind body spirit connection. We will also focus …


BODYPUMP (Wednesday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

 LesMills BODYPUMP(TM) is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight room exercises, like squats, presses, …


Pilates (Wednesday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Experience a dynamic Pilates class designed to strengthen your core, improve flexibility, and enhance overall body awareness.


Core Strength (Wednesday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Designed to tighten and tone the abs, glutes, back, obliques and “muscular slings” connecting the upper and lower body, improve functional strength and assist in injury prevention.  This class will …


Yoga Sculpt (Wednesday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This workout is great for all ages. It uses gentle and effective approach mobility, flexibility, strength, and cardio. By using light weights, blocks, straps, and other equipment the whole body …


Fitness in the Parks

Cheney Mansion - 220 North Euclid Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302

Please note: this programming is not included in your Ultimate Fitness Membership. Join us outside for some fresh air while you get your body moving! This 8-week session includes one …

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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