Leprechaun Hunt – Additional Guest

Pleasant Home - 217 Home Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302

Ths is to register an addtional guest to attend the Leprechaun Hunt.   A parent m!ust accompany all children.

Jedi Training – Additional Guest

Pleasant Home - 217 Home Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302

Ths is to register an addtional guest to attend Jedi Training.   A caregiver must accompany all children.

Bunny Bingo

Pleasant Home - Drawing Room - 217 Home Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302

Get ready for a hopping good time at Bunny Bingo! Enjoy a fun-filled event where you can win exciting prizes, all while playing classic bingo with a festive twist. With cheerful bunny-themed décor, a delicious lunch, and plenty of laughter, Bunny Bingo is the perfect way to celebrate the season with friends and family. Don't …

KidsFest – 10A

Oak Park Conservatory - 615 Garfield Street, Oak Park IL 60304

Help us celebrate Earth Day with live raptors! Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education is our featured presenter. Celebrate the wonders of our planet with activities from our partners: Trailside …

KidsFest – 10:30A

Oak Park Conservatory - 615 Garfield Street, Oak Park IL 60304

Help us celebrate Earth Day with live raptors! Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education is our featured presenter. Celebrate the wonders of our planet with activities from our partners: Trailside …

KidsFest – 11A

Oak Park Conservatory - 615 Garfield Street, Oak Park IL 60304

Help us celebrate Earth Day with live raptors! Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education is our featured presenter. Celebrate the wonders of our planet with activities from our partners: Trailside …

KidsFest – 11:30A

Oak Park Conservatory - 615 Garfield Street, Oak Park IL 60304

Help us celebrate Earth Day with live raptors! Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education is our featured presenter. Celebrate the wonders of our planet with activities from our partners: Trailside …

KidsFest – 12P

Oak Park Conservatory - 615 Garfield Street, Oak Park IL 60304

Help us celebrate Earth Day with live raptors! Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education is our featured presenter. Celebrate the wonders of our planet with activities from our partners: Trailside …

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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