Registration Information

Click the program guide to view! Physical copies will also be available for pickup at the RCRC, CRC, and GRC.

    • Registration for all Oak Park residents begins 8:30A on Saturday, Feb 1
    • Registration for non-residents begins 8:30A on Saturday, Feb 8
    • Payment plans are available: Reserve your spot by March 31 with a $25 per camp, non-refundable deposit and your balance will be split and billed on May 1 and June 1
    • Register early! Camp prices increase May 1

Intro to Summer Camp Videos!

Can’t decide which camp is right? View our Intro to Summer Camp videos and get the inside scoop on our summer camp options presented by Camp Program Supervisors!

Click below to see the camp explanation video of your choosing:

Aquatics & Ice Camps:

Welcome Letters

Play Video

Scholarship and CDM Programs

The Park District offers a Scholarship Program for those in need of financial assistance. A Childcare Discount Membership Program is also available for all full-day camps. You must apply and get approval prior to registering for camp. Complete an application here.

ACA Accreditation

The Park District of Oak Park is proud that many of our camps are accredited by the American Camping Association (ACA). This nationally recognized program, developed exclusively for the camp industry, focuses on program quality, health and safety issues. It also requires us to review every facet of our day camp operations on an annual basis. We have voluntarily submitted to this independent audit by camp experts and have earned this mark of distinction.

Staff to Camper Ratio

For ACA Accredited Camps is 1:6 for campers ages 3-5, 1:8 for campers ages 6-8, and 1:10 for campers ages 9-13. Campers must be within the camp’s age range by the first day of the session they are signed up for. Any registration submitted without a date of birth will be held until the date is verified. Parents or caregivers will be required to sign their children out of camp on a daily basis, unless we have written permission in advance for a child to go home on their own, in which case the child will sign themselves out of camp (only allowed for campers ages 10 and up).

Health & Emergency Information

Once you register your child for camp, you will be contacted to complete a health and emergency contact form which must be submitted prior to the start of camp.

For more information about summer camps at the Park District of Oak Park please contact Customer Service at 708-725-2000 or

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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