Winter Seed Sale

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Shop for your seed sowing needs at the Oak Park Conservatory all season. Find rare seeds, early vegetable and flower seeds, and supplies for growing and cultivating your own seeds! Sale lasts through early spring.

Shamrock Scavenger Hunt

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Join the hunt to find shamrocks that the leprechaun scattered around the Conservatory! Prizes will be awarded to those that find all seven lucky shamrocks hidden among our plants. Living shamrocks will also be available for sale. Open Tues-Sun, 10:00A-4:00P.

Annual Plant Sale

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Shop online at our Annual Plant Sale featuring a large selection of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, all grown in our Conservatory greenhouses. This fundraiser is sponsored by the Friends of the Oak Park Conservatory. Members receive two weeks of priority shopping for the best selection. Mar 29: Member online sale begins Apr 12: Public online …


Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Join us for KidsFest, the popular family event sponsored by the Friends of the Oak Park Conservatory. Help us celebrate Earth Day with live raptors! Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education is our featured presenter. Celebrate the wonders of our planet with activities from our partners: Trailside Museum, University of Illinois Extension, Brookfield Zoo, and …

Perennial Pollinator Plant Sale

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

June is national perennial gardening month, and our greenhouses are bursting with our top perennial choices for your gardens! Shop the Oak Park Conservatory's Perennial Pollinator Plant Sale and increase your garden's biodiversity with our favorite selection of plants for your home garden, including selections of natives, native cultivars, and heirloom perennials grown locally at …

Uncorked: June 27

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Enjoy an evening of music and drinks at the Oak Park Conservatory's Rubinstein Garden with friends under the sky. Admission includes two drink tickets, an appetizer, and a guided tour of the showrooms. Tickets are $25 ($20 for FOPCON members, email for the discount code). Advance sales only, tickets will not be sold at …

Uncorked: July 25

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Enjoy an evening of music and drinks at the Oak Park Conservatory's Rubinstein Garden with friends under the sky. Admission includes two drink tickets, an appetizer, and a guided tour of the showrooms. Tickets are $25 ($20 for FOPCON members, email for the discount code). Advance sales only, tickets will not be sold at …

Uncorked: August 22

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Enjoy an evening of music and drinks at the Oak Park Conservatory's Rubinstein Garden with friends under the sky. Admission includes two drink tickets, an appetizer, and a guided tour of the showrooms. Tickets are $25 ($20 for FOPCON members, email for the discount code). Advance sales only, tickets will not be sold at …

Uncorked: September 26

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park, IL

Enjoy an evening of music and drinks at the Oak Park Conservatory's Rubinstein Garden with friends under the sky. Admission includes two drink tickets, an appetizer, and a guided tour of the showrooms. Tickets are $25 ($20 for FOPCON members, email for the discount code). Advance sales only, tickets will not be sold at …

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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