Learn to Swim

PDOP hosts swim lessons for all ages (6 months old – adults). Lessons take place Monday-Thursday in two-week intervals. Swim classes are held at Ridgeland Common pool, Rehm pool, and OPRF High School pool, depending on the season. 

The Park District of Oak Park has adopted the Starfish Aquatic Institute! Advancement focuses on Water Safety and Swim Skill benchmarks. Register by age: StarTots (for 6-36 months), Swim School (for beginners ages 5-13), Stroke School (for confident swimmers ages 6+), or Adult (for ages 14+). Both Swim School and Stroke School have multiple levels to teach essential skills and technique. Read more about each swim category below.

Cameron BayerContact

Learn to Swim Coordinator

Class Descriptions

Star Tots

Ages 6-36 months

StarTots lessons are 30 minutes in length and require each swimmer to be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. We concentrate on comfort in the water for the swimmers and water safety for the parent or caregiver.

Swim School

Ages 3-13

The Swim School curriculum is divided into five stages reflecting the five core competencies of functional swimming: Trust and Submersion, Body Position and Air Recovery, Forward Movement and Direction Chance, Rotary Movement, and Integrated Movement. Students work toward these five core competencies using age-appropriate learning activities that are self-paced, but challenging.

Stroke School

Ages 6-13

This course is for students who have mastered functional swimming and would like to fine tune technique and develop endurance. Students refire freestyle, and learn stroke technique for backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke. Students must be able to confidently swim 25 yards using proper breathing technique in order to take this class.

Adult Swim

Ages 14+

With beginner and intermediate classes available, adult swim curriculum is divided into five stages reflecting the five core competencies of functional swimming: Trust and Submersion, Body Position and Air Recovery, Forward Movement and Direction Chance, Rotary Movement, and Integrated Movement.

Note: If you child has taken lessons through a different program, please contact program supervisor, swimacademy@pdop.org, for best placement prior to registering.

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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