Taylor Park Drainage Improvements

An Earth-Moving Community Collaboration


The Park District has been working to improve drainage at Taylor Park for several years. With its location on a continental divide and with ongoing subsurface water issues, standing water persists in the east end of the park for most of the year. A fen (otherwise called a wetland area) was installed at Taylor Park in 2012, as part of the park renovation project, to help address this issue. In June 2017, the fen was expanded to the north.  

Beginning in July 2017 drain tiles will be installed at Taylor Park due to a generous donation from Oak Park AYSO, Chicago Edge Soccer and OPRF Alliance Soccer. These soccer organizations are covering the cost of the entire project totaling $84,500 which is slated for completion before the fall soccer season begins. The Park District wishes to express its sincere thanks to Oak Park AYSO, Chicago Edge Soccer and OPRF Alliance Soccer for their partnership. It is collaborations such as these that make our agency strong and benefits our entire community.
Photos: Taylor Park Drainage Tile Installation (top), Taylor Park Expanded Fen (below)


The Field Center Community Meeting tonight, January 21 @7:00P, has been moved online. Click the button to get the Zoom link.

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