Winter Greens Market Opens

Shop the Oak Park Conservatory’s Winter Greens Market for a selection of winter greens for your home. An array of fresh greens including balsam, fir, boxwoods, winter berries, magnolia tips, spruce tops, and more will be available along with many other natural items for your winter decoration needs! Shop from our selection of containers to put your own porch pots together. We will also have kits available for making your own container.

Open through December 15.

Pumpkin Smash & Compost Party

Bring your pumpkins to Barrie Park where you can smash your pumpkins down the sled hill at Barrie Park! Help us pick up the pieces and get them into our bin, where they will be turned into compost. This composting process helps to divert organic waste from landfills, reducing methane emissions and returning valuable nutrients to the soil.

It’s a fun way to be a steward for our environment! Free, all ages.

Spooky Skate

Dress in your best costume and join us at the rink to be spooked out of your skates. Enjoy a ghoulish public skate with all the extras! Compete in a costume contest, play chilling games on the ice, make some creepy crafts, and of course, eat some candy too! The rink will be decorated like a haunted house with Halloween-themed music.

Trunk or Treat

trunk or treat at ridgeland common

Join us at the Ridgeland Common Recreation Complex parking lot for a spooktacular trick-or-treating experience! Local groups and organizations will be stationed with their decorated cars, ready to distribute candy for anyone wearing a costume.