Teen Arboretum Hike

School's out, and so are we! Join us for a hike around the Morton Arboretum to explore nature, experience the "Of the Earth" art exhibition, and spend your day among the trees. Plus, play at the Arboretum's new Wonder Woods Mini Golf course!

Transportation and admission to both the arboretum & the Wonder Woods Mini Golf course are provided. Please bring your own snack, lunch, and water bottle.

Axe Throwing

Join us for an adventurous afternoon at Go Ape for some axe throwing! You can let out your frustrations by hurling hatchets down the range while an instructor guides you toward hitting that bullseye. Compete with your friends and have a swinging good time!

Registration covers transportation, an hour of axe throwing, and instruction by trained professionals. 

Pride in the Wild

What do giraffes, ducks, elephants, lions, and butterflies have in common? They can be LGBT+, too! Join us as we look at the pride flags of the animal kingdom and explore their differences through science, art, and trivia 

While we will be discussing mating in animals, we are keeping this a family-friendly program.

Girls in STEM: Rachel Carson Flies with Eagles

Rachel Carson was a marine biologist, but she's most well known for writing about DDT and protecting bald eagles all across America. We'll explore her story, learn the science through games, and try to see some bald eagles of our own!


In the US, women are 48% of the workforce but only 27% of the STEM careers. This family-friendly program explores a different science-loving lady each session through story, art, and more!

Registration is for one child with an adult. Adult must stay for the duration — this is not a drop-off program.

Birding by Ear

Have you ever taken a walk and heard bird songs, but didn’t know what kind of bird it was? Never fear! We’re learning how to bird by ear!

Come join us in identifying bird calls and the bird that made them, what they mean, and the sounds of some sneaky imposters!