2016 Feasibility Study

To Explore a Community Recreation Center

Update: November 8, 2019

With the completion of the Park District’s community recreation center feasibility study and the discontinuation of discussions with Oak Park and River Forest High School District 200 and River Forest Park District, the Parks Foundation of Oak Park is now exploring the concept of a community recreation center. Here is more information about this project.

Update: July 27, 2016

Based on the presentation of the final report for the Community Recreation Center Feasibility Study to the Park Board, the Board is moving forward in exploring the possibility of constructing such a facility. Pros Consulting was hired to complete a revenue and operational analysis.

Update: June 17, 2016

The final report for the Community Recreation Center Feasibility Study was presented to the Park Board on Thursday, June 16, 2016. See below for the final report and the Park Board presentation.

Update: April 28, 2016

A Community Open House was held on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at Cheney Mansion where three planning strategies for a community recreation center were available for viewing by the public. Comments and feedback from those in attendance were collected. Please view the strategies below along with the boards used to introduce the three strategies.

Update: March 24, 2016

Community Input Meetings were held on Wednesday, March 23, at 9:30am and 7pm at Cheney Mansion, 220 North Euclid Avenue, to provide residents an opportunity to discuss and provide their opinion regarding a future Recreation Community Center.

Study Overview

In 2014, the Park District of Oak Park developed and approved its ten-year Comprehensive Master Plan.  One of the goals identified in the plan was to conduct a feasibility study in 2016 for an indoor recreation center.  In planning for the feasibility study, the Park District Board of Commissioners suggested that the Park District invite a representative from each of the other government bodies to be a part of a task force to conduct a feasibility study for a Community Recreation Center.  The joint effort would encourage open dialogue and assist to identify other potential facility needs of our sister agencies.  Additionally, the joint task force would support the community’s desire to have Oak Park government entities collaborate and would ensure that amenity needs are reviewed jointly versus in silos. 

In November, the Park District reached out to each Oak Park government entity to gauge their desire to participate in this process.  Participating government entities include: the Village of Oak Park; the Township of Oak Park; District 97; District 200; and the Oak Park Public Library.  All groups agreed to have their voices be at the table to discuss their entity’s as well as the community’s facility needs and to assist in the execution of a feasibility study for a Community Recreation Center.

An RFP was issued by the Park District in November 2015 and the firm of Sink Combs, of Chicago, IL was hired in January 2016.  The deliverables of this engagement include: 

1) A determination of amenities to be included in a Community Recreation Center;

2) An identification of potential site locations for a Community Recreation Center and

3) A formulation of probable costs.

The feasibility study is expected to conclude in mid-2016.  During this time the consultants will conduct a series of focus group meetings, community input sessions, as well as meetings with individual agencies and key stakeholders to assess what amenities are needed in the community.

The task force will be meeting throughout the process for updates and to provide feedback on the progress to date.  Updates will be shared with the community. (Proposed Work Plan)

Community Input Meetings were held on Wednesday, March 23, to provide residents an opportunity to discuss and provide their opinion regarding a future Recreation Community Center.

A Community Open House was held on Wednesday, April 27, at Cheney Mansion, 220 North Euclid Avenue from 5 to 8pm, to provide updated information on the progress of the Feasibility Study and to collect additional community input.

A draft of the Feasibility Study is expected to be presented to the Board of Park Commissioners at the May 19 Regular Park Board Meeting held at the Hedges Administrative Center, 218 Madison Street at 7:30pm.  The Feasibility Study final report is tentatively scheduled to be presented at the Regular Park Board meeting scheduled on Thursday, June 16 at 7:30pm at the Hedges Administrative Center.

For more information about the Park District of Oak Park’s Feasibility Study, please contact Executive Director Jan Arnold.

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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