Yoga Barre (Sunday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This fusion class consists of Yoga and strength training. Exercises will focus on abs, bottom and inner thigh to achieve long lean muscle tone and also to give that booty a pop! Class is done in bare feet, socks with grips, or ballet shoes. 


Restorative Yoga (Sunday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This yoga class is therapeutic to the mind & body. It will use a mix of yogic practices to strengthen, mobilize, & stretch the body. 


GPS Leprechaun Hunt!

Taylor Park Picnic Shelter - 400 Division Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit! Happy St. Patrick's Day! We're going on a treasure hunt to look for a pot of gold hidden in Taylor Park by some sneaky leprechauns, and we're using our GPS to find the way! Can you find the end of the rainbow? Registration is for one child with an adult. Adult must stay for …

Leprechaun Hunt- Adult and Child

Pleasant Home - 217 Home Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302

Those rascally leprechauns have taken up residence in Mills Park and Pleasant Home.  Join us on a hunt as we use clues to loate where they might be hiding as well as all of their gold!  A delicious, themed lunch will be served.  Registration is for 2 people and an adult needs to accompany each …

Leprechaun Hunt – Additional Guest

Pleasant Home - 217 Home Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302

Ths is to register an addtional guest to attend the Leprechaun Hunt.   A parent m!ust accompany all children.

Open Gym (Ages 6+)

GRC Main Gym - 21 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

$13 per visit OR $12 with a prepaid 5 visit pass for $60. No gymnastics experience required! This program is intended for anyone who wants to practice independently to improve their skills.  Water fountains are not available for use, so bring your own water bottle. Drop-ins not accepted once we reach max registrations. Max pre-registrations per …


Express BODYPUMP (Monday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

LesMills BODYPUMP (TM) is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This 45-minute workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight room exercises, like squats, presses, lifts, and curls.


Nia (Monday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This unique fitness class blends dance, martial arts, and healing to achieve your fitness goals and express yourself through movement and sensation. Come experience Nia in this barefoot, aerobic, movement …


Monday Morning Nature Journaling

Austin Gardens Environmental Education Center Main Room - 167 Forest Avenue, Oak Park IL 60302

Immerse yourself in nature and learn to capture yourobservations through journaling. Explore drawing, writing, and mindfulness while you expand your skills as a naturalist and an observer of the outdoors. Even if you "can't draw", nature journaling is a great way to get in touch with the natural world and can be done in whatever …


Express BODYPUMP (Monday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

LesMills BODYPUMP (TM) is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This 45-minute workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight room exercises, like squats, presses, lifts, and curls.


Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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