Body Flow (Thursday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Unite the mind, body, and spirit with a dynamic class that blends the best of yoga, pilates, and tai chi. This unique practice emphasizes stretch, balance, and coordination, leaving you …


Sunset Slow Flow Yoga (Thursday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This gentle flow yoga class combines a slow-paced flow class with restorative elements to relax and renew in candlelight. This class is ideal for both the beginner and seasoned practitioner. Participants are encouraged to bring their own yoga mat. Props such as blocks, blankets, and straps will be provided but you are welcome to bring …


Core + Cardio Dance (Thursday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Ready to ditch the treadmill and have a blast while getting a full-body workout? This core and cardio dance fitness class combines infectious music with dynamic dance moves to sculpt your core, boost your cardio, and leave you feeling energized and empowered.



RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

 LesMills BODYPUMP(TM) is the original barbell class that strengthens your entire body. This workout challenges all your major muscle groups by using the best weight room exercises, like squats, presses, …


Nia (Friday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This unique fitness class blends dance, martial arts, and healing to achieve your fitness goals and express yourself through movement and sensation. Come experience Nia in this barefoot, aerobic, movement based class. Appropriate for all fitness levels; no dance experience necessary.


Indoor Playground Day Pass (Friday)

Stevenson Community Center Lower Level Indoor Playground - 49 West Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Come along with your toddler and move around to music and gross motor play at the indoor playground. 


Hruby Skate 40+

RCRC Ice Rink - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Hruby Skate is intended for adult hockey players that have played hockey before and are intermediate or above skaters. This skate will have zero tolerance for aggressive and physical players. It …


Yoga Barre (Friday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This fusion class consists of Yoga and strength training. Exercises will focus on abs, bottom and inner thigh to achieve long lean muscle tone and also to give that booty a pop! Class is done in bare feet, socks with grips, or ballet shoes. 


Public Skate

RCRC Ice Rink - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Skate rental is available at $3


Games with Friends- Scrabble

Dole Center Multipurpose Room 3 - Art Studio (3rd Floor) - 255 Augusta Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Fridays are for FUN. Sign up to join a lovely group of friends for an afternoon of competition. Scrabble- two to four players score points by placing tiles, each bearing a single letter, onto a game board divided into a 15×15 grid of squares. The tiles must form words that, in crossword fashion, read left to right in rows …

Power Vinyasa (Friday)

CRC - Fitness Studio 208 - 229 Madison Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Improve your flexibility, strength, balance, and mental stillness with this challenging yet accessible yoga class. Explore breath to movement and learn more about your personal yoga practice.


Public Skate

RCRC Ice Rink - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Skate rental is available at $3


Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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