
Winter Seed Sale

Oak Park Conservatory 615 Garfield St, Oak Park

Shop for your seed sowing needs at the Oak Park Conservatory all season. Find rare seeds, early vegetable and flower seeds, and supplies for growing and cultivating your own seeds! Sale …

Nia (Thursday)

RCRC Multipurpose Room (Large) - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

This unique fitness class blends dance, martial arts, and healing to achieve your fitness goals and express yourself through movement and sensation. Come experience Nia in this barefoot, aerobic, movement …


Indoor Playground Day Pass (Thursday)

Stevenson Community Center Lower Level Indoor Playground - 49 West Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Come along with your toddler and move around to music and gross motor play at the indoor playground. 


Every Picture Tells a Story

Dole Center Multipurpose Room (2nd Floor) - 255 Augusta Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Bring a photo to share with the group and tell (up to) a three minute story about it.  Join us as we learn about other people’s experiences

Noon Skate

RCRC Ice Rink - 415 Lake Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Skate Rental available for $3

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