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Medicare Scam Presentation & Bingo

May 12 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Dole Center Multipurpose Room 1 - Computer Room (2nd Floor)
255 Augusta Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Healthcare fraud is widespread. To prevent it, you first need to know what it looks like. Scam artists will do anything to gain trust, and the scam strategies change every year. Luckily there’s something you can do and the Illinois Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) is here to help! Join us to learn about trending Medicare scams in Illinois, and how to prevent, detect, and report fraud, errors, and abuse. This presentation will be followed by “SMP Bingo” as a fun way to reinforce what you learned. Presented by AgeOptions

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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