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The Brutalist (Part II)

April 24 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Dole Center Multipurpose Room 1 - Computer Room (2nd Floor)
255 Augusta Street, Oak Park IL 60302

Join us for a movie with friends at the Dole Center. Enjoy good company and a new feature film each week. Titles are listed on our registration software, Amilia (may be subject to change). Feel free to bring some snacks. After the film, stay for a friendly critique and discussion. These are all one-day registrations.

After fleeing post-war Europe, an architect and his wife meet a wealthy client

Starting March 6, Rehm Park will be without power and lights for about three weeks. The current pool project requires a new electric service with a large transformer to service the all-electric pool upgrades.

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