The Park District of Oak Park is committed to fostering a work environment where our values aren’t just words on a wall – they are actively demonstrated in our day-to-day work. The Everyday Values Champions program was designed to recognize and celebrate employees who truly embody these values.
Park District employees nominate their peers for this award, citing specific examples of how they carry out one, or several, of our values. From the pool of nominees, one part-time and one full-time staff member is named the Everyday Values Champion per value.
The Park District of Oak Park’s values are: community engagement, responsible leadership, integrity, innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.
Please join us in congratulating the 2024 Everyday Values Champions.
Community Engagement
Janice Evans: For her involvement in many community events, including Juneteenth and Hispanic Heritage.
Jeanene Holmes: For creating a welcoming environment in the CRC beyond just the member’s name.
Responsible Leadership
Megan Ulczak: For continuously looking for ways to improve her areas of responsibility including staff accountability.
Pilar Martinez: For striving to help all participant’s needs be met while being incredibly organized.
Ernie Compere: For a positive attitude, willingness to help, and consistently addressing park matters with a positive approach.
Rashad Milan: For taking ownership of duties, greeting members, and a willingness to support others when needed.
Joe Lilly: For taking on a role to lead the agency’s AI Taskforce and single handedly upgrading the Hub via AI.
Elaine Luther: For being an active user of LaunchPad for idea sharing as well as conversation starters on how to improve.
Hannah Szuch: For providing training for day camp staff to promote sustainable practices as well as sourcing materials for community art projects.
Nancy Fong: For saving and using anything for programs to encourage sustainability in the arts.
Scott Sekulich: For his tremendous effort in coordinating the D97 / PDOP summer camp partnership.
Ben Melickian: For stepping up and picking up lunches every day from D200 for D97 asylum seekers this summer, ensuring kids had meals every day of camp.