Youth Sports code of conduct
Parent And Player Code Of Conduct
Infractions of the Code of Conduct may include but are not limited to the following:
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
- Offensive or negative language
- Disrespectful behavior
- Fighting or deliberate roughness
- Repeated delay of game or practice
- Not shaking hands after a game
- Damage to school property
Parents will generally be given a verbal warning when an infraction is observed. If the misbehavior continues, they will be asked to leave the game or practice site. If a parent is instructed to leave a site by a coach, official, or another league staff, they must do so. Before returning to future practices and games, the parent must discuss the incident with League Management.
If a player receives two five-minute misconduct penalties/red cards/technical fouls during the season, he/she must serve a one game suspension. The player must be present at the game to serve the suspension. If two misconduct penalties/red cards/technical fouls are received in one game, the player will be taken out of the game and must serve an additional one game suspension. Multiple misconduct warning at practice may also result in the suspension of a game.
When a player has received their third misconduct penalty/red card/technical foul of the season, they will be ejected from the league. No refunds will be given to players ejected due to poor behavior.
Youth Sports League Code of Conduct
Parent, Participant, and Spectator
Players are expected to:
- Come to practices and games with a good attitude and ready to play with the required equipment.
- Put the well being of the team ahead of their own personal desire to win.
- Take direction from their coach, officials, and other league staff.
- Act respectfully towards others before, during, and after practices or games.
- Only use Park District and School District property and equipment as intended and with respect.
Parents and spectators are expected to:
- Be a role model for my child and other players by demonstrating positive support for everyone.
- Put the well being of the child ahead of my own personal desire to win.
- Support the decisions of the coach, officials, and other league staff.
- Act respectfully towards others before, during, and after practices or games.
- Insist that youth play in a safe and healthy manner and notify League Coordinators immediately if this is not the case.
Infractions of the Code of Conduct may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
- Offensive or negative language
- Disrespectful behavior
- Fighting or deliberate roughness
- Repeated delay of game or practice
- Not shaking hands after a game
- Damage to school property
Penalties for infractions are as follows:
- Parents and spectators will generally be given a verbal warning when an infraction is observed. If the misbehavior continues, they will be asked to leave the game or practice site. If a parent is instructed to leave a site by a coach, official, or other league staff, they must do so. Before returning to future practices and games, the parent must discuss the incident with League Management.
- If a player receives 2 five-minute misconduct penalties/red cards/technical fouls during the season, he/she must serve a one game suspension. The player must be present at the game to serve the suspension. If 2 misconduct penalties/red cards/technical fouls are received in one game, the player will be taken out of the game and must serve an additional one game suspension. Multiple misconduct warnings at practice may also result in the suspension of a game.
- When a player has received their third misconduct penalty/red card/technical foul of the season, they will be ejected from the league. No refunds will be given to players ejected due to poor behavior.